Elstead and Thurlsey Parish Councils are waiting for an update from the Fire and Rescue Service due sometime this morning.
Thursley Road has been reopened however drivers be warned: there is a water hose stretching along the moat side verge which means that whilst passable for two on-coming cars you will need to drive slowly.
Please note that the fire damage is not visible from the Thursley Road so please only use this road if it’s for genuine travel reasons. Dye House Lane has been reopened meaning that Thursley is now accessible.
The commons including the Moat carpark remain closed until further notice.
Elstead and Thurlsey PC’s along with our Ward Cllrs are meeting with Natural England this morning and we will update residents on future plans when we are able.
Please remember that under the Fire and Rescue Services Act of 2004, chapter 21, it is a criminal offence for anyone to go to the site of an active emergency situation so please keep well clear of the common. Thursley PC and Elstead PC will issue a joint statement advising residents when the common has been reopened but until such time please be advised that the common is closed and should not be visited under any circumstance.
Thank you for your co-operation.