Elstead & Weyburn Neighbourhood Plan
“By 2032 Elstead will have preserved its rural character and retained its vibrant and thriving community spirit. It will remain a highly desirable and attractive place to live, work and play, providing improved facilities and enhanced infrastructure that meets the needs of all residents, businesses and visitors.”
The Elstead & Weyburn Neighbourhood Plan will go to referendum on 20th June 2024.
All residents within the plan area are invited to vote.
The updated neighbourhood plan may be viewed on the Waverley Borough Council Website: https://www.waverley.gov.uk/Services/Planning-and-building/Planning-strategies-and-policies/Neighbourhood-planning/Elstead-and-Weyburn-Neighbourhood-Plan
A flyer detailing all the key information will be hand delivered to residents in the plan area by the end of this week (9th June).
There will be three “drop in sessions” where you can chat informally to members of the NHP team. These will be: Monday 10th & Monday 17 June at Elstead Youth Centre from 1-2pm and from 6-7pm.
A further drop in session will be held on: Thursday 13th June at Pavilion Cafe, Tanshire Park from 1-2pm and 6-7pm.
Hard copies of the plan will be located in the village at the end of the week (9th June) or by request from The clerk: elsteadpc.clerk@gmail.com
E&W NP SG is now proposing that the following sites will be put forward for development:

- Springfield: 26 gross, net 16
- Sunray Farm: 40
- Four Trees: 11
is located within the settlement area and in accordance with national planning policy which states “that land within the settlement area must be used first for development before any land can be considered for removal from the Green Belt” it therefore must become the primary site for development.
Sunray Farm & Four Trees
are selected in terms of their sustainability, previously developed land status and proximity to local services.
Questions & Feedback
Zoom Meeting
Wednesday 31st March 2021
12pm - 2pm
Zoom Meeting
Tuesday 6th April 2021
6pm - 7:30pm
Zoom Meeting
Monday 26th April 2021
5:30pm - 6:30pm
Our next steps on the road to adopting the Elstead & Weyburn Neighbourhood Plan
Thank you for your feedback
Earlier consultation - now closed
Our Neighbourhood Plan Public Consultation (under Regulation 14) started on Wednesday 11th March and and ran until Friday 8th May 2020.
Neighbourhood Plan Drop In Calls / Zoom Meetings
There will be a second ‘drop in’ zoom session on Monday 4th May, 8-9pm if anyone has any questions regarding the draft neighbourhood plan. Please feel free to log on anytime between 8-9pm and one of the team will be available to answer your questions. You don’t have to stay for the hour just log on when you are free. The zoom meeting details are below. Don’t forget we really need to have everyone’s feedback on the plan – please read the draft plan and provide your comments via the Surveymonkey link. Deadline for feedback is Friday 8th May. Don’t hesitate to contact the clerk on elsteadpc.clerk@gmail.com if you have any questions and can’t make either zoom session. There are a limited number of hard copies of the plan that can be delivered safely if needed – please contact the clerk. Thank you.
Monday 4th May 2020. 8-9pm
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88181200744
Meeting ID: 881 8120 0744
One tap mobile +441314601196,,88181200744# United Kingdom
By Telephone +44 131 460 1196 Enter Meeting ID when prompted.
What is Regulation 14?
Regulation 14 is a major milestone for any Neighbourhood Plan’s journey. It is a statutory consultation period that must be run for a minimum of six weeks, and which gives local residents and other mandatory consultees the opportunity to comment on a draft Neighbourhood Plan. All comments must be taken into consideration.
How can residents be involved in the Elstead & Weyburn Neighbourhood Plan Regulation 14 process?
Due to Covid-19 we will be holding virtual Drop In sessions for residents to provide feedback and ask questions. These take place on Tuesday 28th April and Monday 4th May via Zoom or telephone. See above for information.
What if I can't attend any of the exhibitions?
Don’t worry if you are not able to attend one of the public sessions. The draft plan will be available here, as well as printed copies in key village locations.
Why and how should I submit feedback?
Feedback is very important and is actively encouraged as every comment will be read and carefully considered. The preferred format for feedback will be through an online form accessed from this page – see button below.
Paper response forms will also be available via the Elstead Parish Council Clerk.
Why is there a second 'Regulation 14' consultation?
Our first ‘Regulation 14’ Consultation took place in 2018, just as National Planning Law (the NPPF) was being updated. The updates permitted Neighbourhood Plans to include housing sites that are situated in the Green Belt. From our consultation we knew this was an important issue for our community so a decision was made to include housing sites in the Plan, despite this causing a delay.
The Elstead & Weyburn Neighbourhood Plan Timeline
Before the Neighbourhood Plan process began, Waverley Borough Council (WBC) issued a ‘Call for Sites’ as part of their Local Plan process. (Elstead Parish Council also advertised its own ‘Call for Sites’ late in 2016). A list of eight possible sites was drawn up for assessment by an external company who graded them in terms of suitabilty. Waverley selected 2 sites plus what is now called Water Meadow Place.(Former Weyburn Works site) At this point WBC did not consult with Elstead Parish Council or Peper Harow Parish Meeting as to suitability of these sites.
Neighbourhood Plan - Further Q&A
What is Neighbourhood Planning?
“Neighbourhood planning gives communities direct power to develop a shared vision for their neighbourhood and shape the development and growth of their local area. They are able to choose where they want new homes, shops and offices to be built, have their say on what those new buildings should look like and what infrastructure should be provided, and grant planning permission for the new buildings they want to see go ahead. Neighbourhood planning provides a powerful set of tools for local people to plan for the types of development to meet their community’s needs and where the ambition of the neighbourhood is aligned with the strategic needs and priorities of the wider local area…”
Paragraph: 001 Reference ID: 41-001-20190509 from gov.uk Updated 9th May 2019
What is a Neighbourhood Plan (NHP)?
A NHP is a set of policies written by and for local people giving them a say in how their community develops and grows.
Why should we have a Neighbourhood Plan?
To have as much of a say as possible in how our community develops and grows and only those villages / towns with an adopted NHP will benefit from the maximum funding from the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) to spend on local projects identified through the NHP process.
Click here to see the current list of CIL projects.
What is the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)?
CIL is essentially a tax paid by developers on every new house built. CIL could amount to about £10,000 per new three bed house built in our plan area.
Who has made the Elstead & Weyburn Neighbourhood Plan (EWNP)?
The EWNP is a joint initiative between Elstead and Peper Harow. The NHP has been led by a Steering Group comprising volunteers from both parishes (many of whom work full time). As neighbourhood planning is extremely complex, professional advice has been required and we engaged two consultants (Imagine Places and Nexus Planning) to guide us.
During the course of the process the NHP Steering Group (NHP SG) has engaged fully with local residents and their views have been fed into the evolving NHP. Without the views of local residents an NHP is simply not possible
How has the Elstead & Weyburn Neighbourhood Plan been funded?
We have been very lucky to have had so many volunteers who have given their time and expertise for free throughout the entire process and for this we are extremely grateful. The E&W NHP has been funded in a variety of ways. Where possible the NHP SG (via Elstead Parish Council) has sought to obtain financial grants to minimise the costs to local residents. Elstead Parish Council has applied for financial grants and free technical support via an external body (Locality). In order to be successful lengthy application forms must be completed illustrating the reason such a package should be awarded. The NHP SG have been delighted in that they have received almost the maximum amount of both money and free technical assistance. Alongside the above, Elstead Parish Council has also provided financial support.
If you click on the image below and the plan doesn’t load, please try refreshing your page. Otherwise download the file here – Elstead and Weyburn Neighbourhood Plan March 2020.
Neighbourhood Plan Boundary

Map illustrating the Elstead & Weyburn Neighbourhood Plan area
1st Draft Neighbourhood Plan - July 2018

Neighbourhood Plan Assessments & Reports
The First Draft of our Neighbourhood Plan:
Ready to distribute 'The Big Survey' - Christmas 2015