Community Infrastructure Projects
Elstead & Weyburn Neighbourhood Plan
The following list indicates the infrastructure projects within the NHP area which have been identified for funding (in whole or in part) from receipts from the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). They are not listed in order of priority. Decisions on funding will be taken in the light of the funding available and the state of preparedness of each project.
The list of projects will be updated at least annually by Elstead Parish Council, in consultation as necessary with Peper Harow Parish. The updated list will be published here
1 Replacement Sports Pavilion at Burford Lodge Recreation Ground, including removal of existing derelict facility
2 Extension of Parking Layby opposite village hall, to provide extra parking spaces to service both the village hall and youth centre and to help alleviate parking congestion close to the village green.
3 Improve footpath over Bonfire Hill, and possibly convert into cycleway at the same time.
4 Assist with creation of cycleway linking Elstead with Milford and Rodborough School, by improving surfaces of bridleways across Elstead and Ockley Commons.
5 Help fund reinstatement of Footpath 64 alongside the River Wey linking Elstead Bridge with Fulbrook Lane, currently obstructed and partially closed owing to landslip.
6 Create new footway and cycleway linking the Weyburn and Tanshire sites with Elstead village, across Parish Council land
7 Establish village business hub/Parish Council hub at Sunray Farm site
8 Commission surface water drainage assessment, in order to establish priorities for improving surface water management in Elstead.
9 Commission feasibility study on shuttle bus service linking Elstead with nearby main line rail stations
10 Additional pedestrian seating (benches) convenient for local bus stops
11 Real time bus indicator in bus shelter on Milford Road
12 Purchase additional recreation land to meet demands of growing village population