Elstead Village News
Elstead Village News (EVN) Subscription
The EVN is available on the Friday before the last Sunday of the month. Each issue costs 80p and copies are available for purchase from The Spar, at the back of St James Church or it can be delivered free of charge to your address (in Elstead).
Subscriptions bought during the year are charged in full pro rata. However subscriptions paid for in January are offered at a discount (£8 for 2022) which means you get two issues free plus it is delivered direct to your door!
To organise a subscription please contact the Editor – Sara Wilson-Soppitt.
Contributions are welcome from individuals and organisations. Where forthcoming events are referred to, please remember to state clearly the date, time and place involved! Publication is at the editor’s discretion.
Copy Deadline
All copy must be with the Editor by the 12th of the preceding month.
Editor – Sara Wilson-Soppitt
- Email:sjwilsonsoppitt@gmail.comOpens in your application
Advertising Manager – Jenny Hay
- Email:evnadvertising@gmail.comOpens in your application