Coronation Celebrations
Celebrating the Coronation
On Sunday May 7th, the day after the Coronation, Elstead was proud to offer it’s older residents a Coronation Tea, and the village came together to make sure that a truly excellent time was had by all. The Hall was decorated with flags and bunting, flowers and union jacks, and there was even a cut-out King Charles to greet people!
Nearly all of the 120 seats were filled in the Village Hall with people ready to enjoy an excellent tea prepared by Lynn Smith-White and her lovely team with cakes donated by so many people around the village. We were especially delighted to welcome residents and carers from Bridge House. The Coronation Croodle Choir performed two sets of folk songs from around the four nations, culminating in Jerusalem and the National Anthem. Space in the Hall was so tight that between sets they were confined to the back room – they did however have the same splendid tea!
It was a memorable afternoon, and everyone had a splendid time. There are so many people who made it special – Lynn and her fabulous team, Naseer and Nasir who set out all the tables, all the many people who donated cakes, Wendy Edwards and her Coronation Croodle Choir, Tim Davies who made all the technology and screens work – his “behind the scenes” work is always outstanding – and the Parish Council for funding it from the Jubilee surplus as well as the many people who just mucked in as helpers. Special thanks go to Sarah Krelle who made all the yummy Coronation Quiches, and Peter Krelle who took amazing pictures.
In case you were worried: good homes were found for the surplus sandwiches and cake, with the special Coronation cricket match and the children’s activity day on Monday benefitting from a second feast!
Following the Coronation tea, on Monday 8th May, children were treated to a range of activities that had been organised at the Thursley Road Rec. Organisations had come together from St James PTA, The Scouts, The Brownies, Elstead Sharks, Elstead Cricket Club and Ahmadiyya Muslim Association and were led by a small team of volunteers. The outlook for the weather had not looked good however fortune favours the brave and despite the initial grey clouds the rain stayed away and the sun even shone though by the end of the afternoon.
King Charles had wanted volunteering to be the theme for the Bank Holiday Monday and this was reflected at the children’s event which saw the cricket and football entertainment being ably led by volunteers from school year 10 working towards their Duke of Edinburgh awards and equivalent.
No fun afternoon would be complete without the obligatory bouncy hurdle track and ice cream van and there was of course the chance for children to get their faces painted. Despite a few sore heads from the night before the pavilion bar kept parents’ thirsts quenched and the paramedics on scene gave children the chance to sit inside a police car and ambulance. Lots of smiles, traditional fun races … all who attended agreed that it was a lovely afternoon which brought people together to celebrate the coronation. Sincere thanks go to Elstead Parish Council for financially supporting the event and for all who were able to attend and run an activity without whom this event could not have happened.