Following our annual meeting held on May 22nd, two further councillors were co-opted onto Elstead Parish Council. Both, along with our newly elected councillors were welcomed to the meeting. Elstead Parish Council now comprises; Pat Murphy (chair) Jane Jacobs (Vice Chair and Planning Chair), James Collis, Leif Davidsen, Andy Goundry, Andy Hampshire, Joan Holroyd, Martyn Lass and Richard Muir. David Harmer (SCC) and Gemma Long (WBC) were also in attendance.
Our huge thanks go to our outgoing councillors; Roger Gardner, John Mathisen, Stefan Reynolds and Diane Snape. Thanks also to Richard Rees who whilst not staying as a councillor has agreed to continue to support the PC.
The next PC meeting will be on 19th June and to which residents are very welcome to attend.