Natural England – Views & Volunteer Event

English Nature is running some research into how people use heathlands and protected areas. As part of a local nature improvement project called “heathlands connected” English Nature would like to hear your views by answering this survey on how you use the commons – Heathlands Project Surrey Hills ( survey is live until 15th January 2024

James Giles is also trying to put together a community Volunteering day on the 20th of December at Thursley NNR. Full details of this can be read in James’s Natural England article in the village news or alternatively please contact James at


Bonfire Hill

Elstead Parish Council understands that an offer for the purchase of the land at Bonfire Hill has been accepted by the vendor. The purchaser is someone with a long association with the village, who intends to transfer ownership of the land to a charitable trust administered by the Parish Council for the benefit of the local community. The Trust Deed will determine the future use of the land, which is likely to be confined to agriculture, recreation and amenity. The Parish Council has agreed to act as the charity administrator and to manage the land on behalf of the benefactor pending the establishment of the charity. It will take time for the sale to be processed and once there is more information we will update residents accordingly.


Coronation Celebrations

Celebrating the Coronation

On Sunday May 7th, the day after the Coronation, Elstead was proud to offer it’s older residents a Coronation Tea, and the village came together to make sure that a truly excellent time was had by all. The Hall was decorated with flags and bunting, flowers and union jacks, and there was even a cut-out King Charles to greet people!

Nearly all of the 120 seats were filled in the Village Hall with people ready to enjoy an excellent tea prepared by Lynn Smith-White and her lovely team with cakes donated by so many people around the village. We were especially delighted to welcome residents and carers from Bridge House. The Coronation Croodle Choir performed two sets of folk songs from around the four nations, culminating in Jerusalem and the National Anthem. Space in the Hall was so tight that between sets they were confined to the back room – they did however have the same splendid tea!

It was a memorable afternoon, and everyone had a splendid time. There are so many people who made it special – Lynn and her fabulous team, Naseer and Nasir who set out all the tables, all the many people who donated cakes, Wendy Edwards and her Coronation Croodle Choir, Tim Davies who made all the technology and screens work – his “behind the scenes” work is always outstanding – and the Parish Council for funding it from the Jubilee surplus as well as the many people who just mucked in as helpers. Special thanks go to Sarah Krelle who made all the yummy Coronation Quiches, and Peter Krelle who took amazing pictures. 

In case you were worried: good homes were found for the surplus sandwiches and cake, with the special Coronation cricket match and the children’s activity day on Monday benefitting from a second feast!

Following the Coronation tea, on Monday 8th May, children were treated to a range of activities that had been organised at the Thursley Road Rec.  Organisations had come together from St James PTA, The Scouts, The Brownies, Elstead Sharks, Elstead Cricket Club and Ahmadiyya Muslim Association and were led by a small team of volunteers.  The outlook for the weather had not looked good however fortune favours the brave and despite the initial grey clouds the rain stayed away and the sun even shone though by the end of the afternoon.

King Charles had wanted volunteering to be the theme for the Bank Holiday Monday and this was reflected at the children’s event which saw the cricket and football entertainment being ably led by volunteers from school year 10 working towards their Duke of Edinburgh awards and equivalent.
No fun afternoon would be complete without the obligatory bouncy hurdle track and ice cream van and there was of course the chance for children to get their faces painted.  Despite a few sore heads from the night before the pavilion bar kept parents’ thirsts quenched and the paramedics on scene gave children the chance to sit inside a police car and ambulance.   Lots of smiles, traditional fun races … all who attended agreed that it was a lovely afternoon which brought people together to celebrate the coronation.   Sincere thanks go to Elstead Parish Council for financially supporting the event and for all who were able to attend and run an activity without whom this event could not have happened.


New Parish Councillors

Following our annual meeting held on May 22nd, two further councillors were co-opted onto Elstead Parish Council. Both, along with our newly elected councillors were welcomed to the meeting. Elstead Parish Council now comprises; Pat Murphy (chair) Jane Jacobs (Vice Chair and Planning Chair), James Collis, Leif Davidsen, Andy Goundry, Andy Hampshire, Joan Holroyd, Martyn Lass and Richard Muir. David Harmer (SCC) and Gemma Long (WBC) were also in attendance. 
Our huge thanks go to our outgoing councillors; Roger Gardner, John Mathisen, Stefan Reynolds and Diane Snape. Thanks also to Richard Rees who whilst not staying as a councillor has agreed to continue to support the PC. 
The next PC meeting will be on 19th June and to which residents are very welcome to attend.


Annual Parish Assembly

Residents are all welcome to attend the annual Assembly on 22nd May 2023 at 8pm in the Youth Centre. We look forward to welcoming guest speakers; Surrey Fire & Rescue on Wildfire Preparedness and Hey Broadband  on fibre broadband roll-out. Come and meet your new councillors and join us for wine and light refreshments after the presentations.

Annual Parish Assembly 22.05.23



There are nine seats on the Elstead Parish Council.  Following the recent request for nominations seven people have stepped forward which means that the seat is uncontested and they automatically become councillors.  This means that there will be no Parish Council vote on 4th May.  

As there are two spaces remaining the councillors are looking to co-opt two more people at the meeting on 22nd May.  Anyone interested in being co-opted should contact the clerk in the first instance email:

The Borough Seat is being contested and residents will have an opportunity to select their preferred candidate on 4th May.  Both candidates will be attending the April 17th PC meeting and residents will have the chance to ask them questions during a Q&A session.  Please note that following the recent boundary review the boundaries have changed and we will have one Borough Councillor for Elstead and paper harrow.  Previously we had two for Elstead, Thursley and Brook.

Don’t forget if you are intending to vote on 4th May you will need to bring ID with you.


Elstead Village Road Safety Survey

Elstead Village Road safety (EVRS) a sub committee of the Parish Council has been delivering a survey and asking for your views. The group would be grateful for completed surveys as this helps with evidence in getting Surrey CC Highways to look at issues such as speeding etc in the village. The survey is very quick to complete and completed surveys can be dropped to either Chandlers or the back of St James’s Church. Alternatively here is a link to survey if you would rather do it electronically. Thank you in advance for taking the time to complete the survey. Surveys to be completed by 30th April 2023.


Roadworks – Thursley Road Closures

Message from Surrey Environment, Transport & Infrastructure:

Please find attached the leaflet with information regarding the resurfacing works on Thursley Road, Elstead. These leaflets are being delivered to residents and businesses over the next few working days.

Please note that this scheme involves some daytime working and some night working – see details below.
Thursley Road, ElsteadRoad closed:
3rd – 16th April from 8am – 5pm &
17th – 20th April from 8pm – 6am 

Please see the attached leaflet for the extent of our works. Sometimes our plans must change, often due to bad weather or problems on other works in the same programme which can have a knock-on effect. If anything changes with the details of these works, we will let you know.

 You and your residents can also find up to date details of the works on

We’d appreciate any feedback from residents on these works, to help us continue to improve.  Please could you highlight to residents the QR code found on the leaflet or the direct web link:

April Monthly Parish Council Meeting

The April PC meeting will be held in person on Monday 17th April at 7.30pm at the youth centre.  Residents are warmly invited to come along and listen to what the Parish Council are working on as well as raise concerns.

 Residents with queries can also contact the clerk by email at: and the clerk can raise any queries on residents behalf or those unable to attend the meeting in person.  We look forward to seeing you there.