The Elstead and Weyburn Neighbourhood Plan will now go to referendum on 20th June 2024. All residents are invited to vote.
The updated neighbourhood plan may be viewed on the Waverley BC and Elstead Village Websites.
A flyer detailing all the key information will be hand delivered to residents in the plan area by the end of this week (7th June).
There will be three “drop in sessions” where you can chat informally to members of the NHP team. These will be Monday 10th & Monday 17 June at Elstead Youth Centre from 1-2pm and from 6-7pm. A further drop in session will be held on Thursday 13th June at Pavilion Cafe, Tanshire Park from 1-2pm and 6-7pm.
Hard copies of the plan will be located in the village at the end of the week (7th June) or by request from The clerk: