46 Bus – Concessionary travel update

From Friday 20th March 2020 Stagecoach will temporarily relax time restrictions on concessionary bus travel across Hampshire, Surrey and West Sussex to allow access to our services for the elderly and vulnerable early in the morning as the coronavirus epidemic continues.

It comes as supermarkets make special arrangements for exclusive early morning shopping times for these people.



Covid-19: Joint statement from Waverley’s political leaders and the chief executive

The political leaders and the chief executive of Waverley Borough Council have agreed to use its resources to prioritise the immediate health, wellbeing and safety of local residents – especially the vulnerable – in its plan to support the community through the Coronavirus challenge. The council’s benefits, community meals, support to local businesses, homelessness, critical housing tenant support, and waste collection services will be prioritised to ensure that those who are most in need are supported during this difficult time for the borough, and for the nation.

We recognise the hardship facing our borough’s struggling businesses and will implement the new scheme for business rate relief as soon as we have the Government’s criteria.We will also prioritise our support to the National Health Service and to Surrey County Council, with its responsibilities for adult and child care services. We welcome Surrey County Council’s decision to establish a single contact centre for vulnerable people. We will work with them and the voluntary sector to ensure its effectiveness – ensuring those people who kindly offer their time and support to help those in need do so in a safe and co-ordinated way.

To do all this, those aspects of the council’s business that do not directly support this immediate objective will be suspended or scaled down, so that staff can be deployed to our critical priority services. This means our work on Part 2 of the Local Plan, leisure centre refurbishment plans and formal committee meetings will be deferred until 30 June.

While the council remains hard at work, with many of our staff working from home, the offices at The Burys in Godalming will be closed to the general public from Monday, 23 March, with special provision for homelessness and welfare visits. The Memorial Hall in Farnham and the Borough Hall in Godalming are also closed.Further detail and decisions about council services and support will follow in the coming days.

Check our website for the latest updates:www.waverley.gov.uk/coronavirus

The council’s Executive and Opposition leaders will continue to teleconference regularly with the senior officers as we implement our response and recovery plans.We are conscious that our staff members and our councillors are also personally feeling the impact of the virus and the national recovery plan, just as our residents are. As a consequence, our capacity is reduced and will face further challenges in the coming weeks. We are proud of our staff and councillor team, and grateful for the diligent, hard work they have already put into tackling Coronavirus and supporting the people of Waverley.

  • Cllr John Ward, Leader of the Council, Leader of the Farnham Residents group
  • Cllr Paul Follows, Deputy Leader of the Council, Leader of the Liberal Democrat group
  • Cllr Maxine Gale, Independent Councillor
  • Tom Horwood, Chief Executive
  • Cllr Nick Palmer, Leader of the Labour group
  • Cllr Julia Potts, Leader of the Opposition, Leader of the Conservative group
  • Cllr Liz Townsend, Independent Councillor
  • Cllr Steve Williams, Leader of the Green group  
For further information contact:
Tel: 01483  523402
Web : www.waverley.gov.uk
Email: communications@waverley.gov.uk

Shackleford Road Temporary Closure


Dear Sirs

SURREY COUNTY COUNCIL PROPOSE TO MAKE the above mentioned Temporary Order under Section 14(1) and (7) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, the effect of which will be to (a) prohibit vehicles from entering or proceeding in that length of Shackleford Road (C25), Godalming that extends from its western junction with Milford Road (B3001), north-eastwards for a distance of 120 metres; and (b) suspend “THE SURREY COUNTY COUNCIL SHACKLEFORD ROAD (C25), GODALMING TEMPORARY PROHIBITION OF TRAFFIC ORDER 2019” in its entirety. This Traffic Order is required to enable BT to carry out cabling works. These works are anticipated to be carried out within 2 months of the 12 month period of operation of this Temporary Order that commences on 25 November 2019. Advanced warning signs will be displayed and the temporary closure which is anticipated to be required for 24 hours each day, will only operate when the relevant traffic signs are displayed. Access for pedestrians and; dismounted cyclists and equestrians will be maintained at all times. No sole access to any property will be affected however access for emergency services, residents, businesses, pedestrians, cyclists and equestrians will be maintained at all times via the vehicular diversion route will be via Milford Road and Shackleford Road.


The Train has a name!

The new train at Thursday Road rec finally has a nameplate. Pupils at St James Primary School in current yr 3 were asked to come up with some names for the new train after it was installed and the wining name was ‘The Elstead Express”! Residents can now seen the new name in blue livery (to match the wheels) on the engine. A couple of modifications have also been made to make the train as robust as possible The PC is delighted that children have enjoyed playing on it since it was installed. It’s certainly been a popular addition.

Commonland outside Weyburn main gate.


 In August 2018 Latimer Developments Ltd made an application under Section 16 of the Commons Act 2006 to deregister land registered as commonland to the west of the Shackleford Road Elstead (grid reference SU92048 43660) and exchange it for land a little further down the Shackleford Road (grid reference SU92099 43873).  Both Elstead Parish Council and Peper Harow Parish Meeting strenuously opposed this application and each wrote a number of letters objecting to the proposal.

Following a site visit by the Inspectorate on 3rdJuly 2019 which was attended by the applicant and representatives of Elstead Parish Council and Peper Harow Parish Meeting, both Parishes are delighted to have received a report which confirms that the application has been refused.  

The Inspector’s full report can be found here https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/829852/COM_3213356_-_Royal_Common_5-9-19.pdf

The Inspector included the following observations in his conclusion:

“…I find it significant that the replacement land would form part of the SANG, which will be subject to public access. This would lead to there being a loss of land available for local residents and the wider public. In my view the justification for the exchange does not outweigh the disadvantages that would arise from the loss of land available for people to use in the future. “

Responding to the Inspector’s report Councillor Pat Murphy, Chair, Elstead Parish Council said,“I very much welcome the Inspector’s decision in this case, which fully reflects the arguments made by both Elstead Parish Council and Peper Harow parish opposing the plan to deregister this area of common land.”  

Peper Harow Parish were equally pleased with the conclusion saying, “Peper Harow Parish Meeting are pleased that the amenity value of our common land is no longer threatened by deregistration and potential change of use.”  

Elstead Parish Council and Peper Harow Parish Meeting opposed the application for the following reasons:

  1. The land in question is an important amenity asset which forms a natural boundary to the large new housing development at the former Weyburn Works site. It is a largely wooded area which creates an effective visual and environmental screen between the development and the adjacent roadway, to the benefit both of passers by and in time the occupants of the new dwellings. The removal of common land status could render the land open to development or enclosure, which in the view of Elstead Parish Council and Peper Harow Parish Meeting would not be desirable.
  • The registered commonland is within a number of designated sites: Surrey Hills AONB, Surrey Hills Area of Great Landscape Value and close to the Wealden Heaths 1 Special Protection Area and Special Areas of Conservation.  A number of species of bats are present in the area and dormice have been recorded.   Elstead Parish Council and Peper Harow Parish Meeting are united in preserving the rural integrity of this special location. 
  • Latimer Developments Ltd proposed the provision of a section of replacement land, which would be entirely unsatisfactory in providing any separation between the development and the roadway.   The proposed replacement land is scheduled to be part of the SANG (suitable alternative natural greenspace) which the developers are required to provide to mitigate the effects of the development on the neighbouring SPA.   Therefore the overall proposal would lead to a diminution in the amount of amenity land on the development site. 
  • The applicant has given no valid reason for the deregistration application, nor any justification for the removal of common land status.