Parish Council Meeting – 22nd July 2019
The July Parish Council meeting will take place in the URC Hall, Milford Road on Monday 22nd July, starting at 7.30pm, and all are welcome. Questions from the public take place at the start of the meeting. The Parish Clerk can be contacted via email on if you are not able to attend in person.
Defibrillator News
The defibrillator at the Pavilion will be moved to the outside wall (Peter Pan Nursery side) this Saturday (13th July). This will ensure that it is available to all even when the pavilion is closed (NB it was initially sited inside the Pavilion on the advice of the defibrillator company).
Should anyone need to use the defibrillator please follow this easy guide:1. Dial 999 and ask for ambulance service 2. Ask for the code to open the cabinet. The postcode for the Pavilion is GU8 6DU.3. The call handler will guide you through using the defibrillator and arrange an ambulance.
Please note: anyone can use a defibrillator, no prior experience or training is required. Defibrillators really can save lives. For further information go to to access Their First Aid App
Anyone wishing to attend a free training session in the Autumn should contact the Clerk on Thank you
Elstead Village News – July Issue Now Available!
Copies can be purchased from Elstead Spar, or an annual subscription will ensure it is delivered to your home.
Roadworks on the Milford Road 8th – 22nd July
TriConnex will be installing a new water and gas main within Milford Road. Working hours will be 8am-5pm. Access will be kept to properties as much as possible, particularly overnight. Any queries, please call Paul Keen, Senior Operations Manager on 01376 332680.
New train for the Thursley Road Recreation Ground
Look what’s just arrived! Now fully installed at the Jubilee Rec and ready to take children on lots of exciting adventures! We hope that you like it.
As with anything new we need to do a few tweaks. The installers will be coming back in a week to sink the screws into the wood on the carriage seats and add a panel to the front engine – so please just be mindful of this when your child uses the train and avoid climbing onto the roof especially the engine roof.
Lets hope we now get plenty of sun so we can enjoy the park once again!
Parish Council Meeting Monday 17th June 2019
The Parish Council meeting takes place in the URC Hall, Milford Road. The meeting starts at 7.30pm and all are welcome. Questions from the public take place at the start of the meeting.
Elstead Marathon Road Closure
The West side of the village green, adjacent to the Spar and Vets will be closed for the Elstead Marathon on Friday 28th June from xxpm to yypm.
New Parish Councillors
At our May 2019 meeting, Di Snape was co-opted onto the Parish Council and we welcome Di, Stefan and Jessica, our new councillors, who will be working alongside Pat, Leif, Jane, John, Roger and Richard.